KB-200 is a portable keyboard made by Tianjin Yamaha Corp., and is the highest model of the first generation KB series, it was widely used in portable keyboard education in China in the 1990's, it is one of the common models for some portable keyboard classrooms and also for examinations.
The sound generator chip used in the KB-200 is the YMW259-F, which is also used in the PSR-5700, PSR-6000 and other high-end models, and the KB-200 uses similar Drum Kits and high-quality AWMplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_big高级波形记忆技术
AWM(Advanced Wave Memory)是YAMAHA在20实际90年代之后逐渐开始主要使用的一种音源技术,其本质上是PCM采样技术。 Voices samples as the PSR-4500, with a global Reverb effect, so the KB-200's sound generator performance and Voices performance are similar to those of the PSR-4500, making it sound excellent.
The KB-200 is the first keyboard in the KB series to support Touch Response.
Model | KB-200 |
Release Years | 1991 |
Keys | 61 standard keys with touch response (Octave*5 + C) |
Polyphony | 38 |
Sound Generator | AWMplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_big高级波形记忆技术 AWM(Advanced Wave Memory)是YAMAHA在20实际90年代之后逐渐开始主要使用的一种音源技术,其本质上是PCM采样技术。 (YMW259-F) |
Voices | 41(40 Regular Voices+ Drum Kit) |
Styles | 20 |
Style Control | Intro*1/Ending*1/Fill-in*2/Variation*2/Sync Start |
MIDI | Unavailable |
Jacks | Power Input/Exp. Pedal/PHONE OR AUX OUT |
Batteries | Yes |
Product Positioning
01 William Tell Overture | |
02 Beautiful Blue Danubeplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Blue Danube (蓝色多瑙河) :!: 该曲目不是Waves of the danube / Valurile Dunării (多瑙河之波)。 蓝色多瑙河(The Blue Danube / An der schönen blauen Donau)是奥地利音乐家小施特劳斯(Johann Strauss II)在1866年创作完成的一部交响华尔兹作品,是世界上最为人熟知的音乐作品之一。本页的谱例是其钢琴的简化版。 | |
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06 When the saint go marching in | |
07 Ode to joyplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigOde To Joy(欢乐颂) 欢乐颂是贝多芬谱曲的一个乐段,是作品《第九交响曲》第四乐章的一个部分。 曲目信息 使用这首音乐作为示范曲的琴型 |