Easy Access - Electronic Keyboard Models & Demo Songs Database

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Easy Access - Electronic Keyboard Models & Demo Songs Database

Thanks for visiting the Database on Electronic Keyboard Models and Demo Songs. The site aims to gather all about Electronic keyboard (and instrument) models from all over the world, including pictures, user manuals, and demonstration songs attached.

Some links or pages may be redirected to the Chinese version page. You may need to enable the translation tools for them.

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Write to quickfox#yeah.net [replace # with @] and tell us your needs or problems encountered. We're here to help.

Introduction to This Page

This is the page for user's easier access, following are links to the essential functions of the site for your convenience.

This page is also for accessible usage. When you are trying to navigate to other pages, we suggest you open it in a new window or tab, so you can go back to this page anytime.

Find Models

There are more than 2000 keyboard models in this database. You can search for them in this section.

Find by Brands

List by Release Year and Brands

There is a whole table collecting all keyboard models, brands, and release years. You can:

Search Songs

There are also more than 20,000 demo songs collected. You can search for them in this section.

Dedicated Page for Songs Information

There is a special pages section. In this section, you can read high-frequency songs and information. You can also see pages ordered by genres and authors. You can read

Search in dedicated database

You can also search in a dedicated database of songs.

You can also use the site's search function to search the entire site. You can enter a keyword in the input box below and press enter to find it.

  • This search function allows you to search the text of the entire site.
  • For example, to search for “CASIO CT-670”, enter “ct-670” directly without entering the brand name
  • Some models contain a horizontal line “-”, while others do not, so you can search for them separately to get the results you want.
  • To perform an exact search, enclose the search term in half quotation marks (e.g., “take off”).
  • You can enter a song name to search for compatible models containing that track and the corresponding track page.
  • The search function is case insensitive, so use lowercase letters for input if not required.


Some of the shortcuts on this site can be used to control the functionality of the site. The method of using the shortcuts varies depending on the operating system, browser, and its version, the usual invocation is:

  • Firefox for Windows, Linux: Alt + Shift + the following shortcut keys
  • Chrome and Edge for Windows: Alt + the following shortcut keys
  • Opera 15 and above on Windows: Alt + the following shortcut keys
  • Firefox 57 and up on Mac: Control + Option + the following shortcut keys
  • Firefox 14-56 on Mac: Control + Alt + the following shortcut keys
  • Chrome, Safari on Mac: Control + Option + the following shortcuts

You can visit this link (English) to learn more about how to use shortcuts in different browsers.

Global shortcuts

The following shortcuts allow you to quickly locate relevant features on this site:

  • F: Search
  • D: Post a comment. Need to input your name first.
  • J: Toggle hide content. Generally, pressing this shortcut key for the first time will expand all collapsed content
  • G: Focus on main content
  • H: Return to home page
  • T: Return to the top of the page

Player shortcuts

On pages containing demo songs, the player is automatically enabled. You can control the player function by using the following shortcut keys in your browser:

  • Z: Previous song
  • X: Play/Pause
  • C: Next song
  • V: Single Repeat, List Repeat, Sequential Order Play Mode Toggle
  • B: Open/Close Playlist
  • M: Open/Close Mirror

Speed Up for Overseas Visitors

At our site, the policy loading of audio is to load it completely first and then play it, so you may experience a slow loading speed when outside of the Greater China1). To solve this, we have a mirror function for demos sponsored by volunteers. On each model page containing demo songs, you can use the key “M” (together with shortcuts depending on your device and browser) to enable the overseas mirror. This mirror is set in Hong Kong and has better connectivity in countries outside the Greater China. You can try to enable this to see if the speed is better. This mirror config is stored, so once you enable it on one page, it will be in effect on all sites.

Playlist Shortcuts

The page player has been enhanced for accessibility. You can manipulate the playlist in the following ways to quickly select the demo you want to listen to.

  1. Open a model page that contains demo songs.
  2. Make sure you have enabled the overseas mirror using the shortcut M.
  3. Use the shortcut “B”, to open the playlist section of the player. for example, if you're using Chrome on Windows, you should use Alt and B.
  4. Press the Tab key several times (generally three times), the browser should focus on the first song in the playlist of this page, and the screen reader should speak out its name.
  5. Press the Enter, to play this song.
  6. Press Tab again, the browser should focus on the “delete_this_item” section, which means delete this song from the current playlist.
  7. Press the Tab again, it will focus on the next song, etc.

Please note that the shortcuts combination varies depending on your browser, we have listed the common combination on the easy page, you can use it as a reference.

Submit Comment

A comment box is provided at the bottom of most demo song pages.

For commenting, name and email are required, a personal homepage is not necessary.

Before submitting a comment, you need to submit a captcha. if viewing the captcha is not convenient, you can also listen to the audible captcha next to the comment box, type it in and submit it.


For more information, you can visit:

including mainland of China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu.


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Sandra Booth Smith, 2024/09/26 20:13
Hello, guys!!! Im new here. My name is S. B. Smith, Sandra Booth Smith. Nice 2 meet u
Sandra Booth Smith, 2024/09/26 20:18
大家好!我是新来的。我叫 S. B. Smith,Sandra Booth Smith。很高兴认识你
Visit cndzq.com (in Chinese) for learning to play, buying and disscussing on electronic keyboards.
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