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Which model deeply impressed whc2001 - one of DemoDB's editors - and made him interested in keyboard demo songs since then?
Which model deeply impressed whc2001 - one of DemoDB's editors - and made him interested in keyboard demo songs since then?
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《电子乐器与电子音乐史》中文版已经上线。详情请访问 http://lifesea.org/120years
Are there any plans to support mobile version of this site and English version which is super important to me because I can't read Chinese or Japanese :(
Also, "All models" option doesn't work, so I can't get how do I search for specific model.
Anyway, what a great idea! I love virtual museums and collections. Long live demodb!
Of course, we are still there, with our tiny project. I'm one of the editors of this site. More than glad to hear from u. :)
We have translated some of the pages into English. Unfortunately, since it's time-consuming tough work, we still have many pages untranslated. But don't worry, why not contact us and tell us which specific page you exactly need? We will spare no effort to help. :D
Sorry for my poor English writing. I'm still learning in senior high. I'll convey ur problem to my coworkers ASAP.
Best Regards.
PS: Feel free to ask me at [email protected]. Though I am offline frequently.
BTW, if you want to search for a specific model, you can also use the search box on the top of the page. If it doesn't show up, click the hamburger menu button first.
And we DO have a mobile version, which is shown by default when using a mobile phone browser. Please check out the UA setting of your browser first. If it still doesn't work, please offer more information, like the phone model and the browser version, etc., so that we can figure out the problem.
I have a couple of requests:
Can I request the demonstration songs from the Alaron My Song Maker Programmable Electronic Keyboard RY9057? I have been searching the all models page and I can't find them anywhere. I used to have that keyboard many years ago. You can find the names of the demo songs on: http://weltenschule.de/TableHooters/MySongMaker.html
Also, can I request the demo songs from the Little Tikes Carry Along Musical Keyboard? I can't find the songs anywhere on the all models page.
Thanks for creating this website. It has helped me a lot in remembering all the demo songs from keyboards that I had throughout the years.
Keep up the great work.
We have reached out to the maintainer of the site you mentioned, but unfortunately, he doesn't have the record of demos from the keyboards you mentioned.
We gather demos by purchasing keyboards and also extract audio from the online video. Sometimes demos of rare models are difficult to get. Hope you could understand us.
My childhood has returned