Related Formats for MIDI Songs

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XG is an enhanced edition of GM System Level 1, which was proposed by Yamaha. More voices and varieties are provided by this format, more expressive voice & effect controllers are also available. At the same time, good compatibility with future data can be ensured.

XF格式 XF格式

Yamaha XF格式是对SMF(Standard MIDI File,标准MIDI文件)标准的增强,其功能更加丰富,并具有开放式可扩展性,便于将来扩展。播放包含歌词数据的XF文件时,支持该格式的乐器能显示歌词。


广告 | Ads

   ____  _      __   ___    ___    __ __
  / __/ | | /| / /  / _ )  / _ )  / //_/
 / _/   | |/ |/ /  / _  | / _  | / ,<   
/___/   |__/|__/  /____/ /____/ /_/|_|