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DemoDB has been migrated to a new server (again). Email us if you're encountering any problem.

Special Thanks to:

  • CNDZQ.com, providing many demonstration songs and space for storage;
  • KeyboardKrazy49@YouTube, providing many demo songs;
  • Paolo Di Nicolantonio, hosting SynthMania, providing many demo songs from a variety of electronic keyboards and sound generators.
  • Robert Szokalski(Keyboard.Hoarder) providing pictures of several Casio keyboard models.
  • Some specification of 80's keyboards are from warranty void by Christian Oliver Windler.
  • Demo songs from several sound modules are provided by DearHoney Digital Music Studio.
  • Demo songs of many E-MU models are provided by E-MU Mania.
  • Emulators/firmwares attributes to MAME project and amazing work by Edward D-tech and Devin Acker.
  • List of any person or group involved with this site will be updated soon.


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